Lower Primary has a fantastic couple of days focusing on three key areas; construction, refuse and recycling and catering. Red Class was transformed into a café where the children were free to experience both choosing, ordering and paying for items and also being responsible for preparing the café for customers; setting the table, taking orders, preparing orders, such as milkshakes and then serving them to customers. Green Class was revamped into a refuse and recycling centre and the children were encouraged to think about different items and e.g. plastic and cardboard and how to recycle them. They learnt that, in order to recycle items, they must first wash the containers before sorting them into the correct bins. The children also enjoyed using litter pickers to collect any rubbish they found on the floor! Yellow Class became a construction site in which the children learnt that they must wear hard hats and high vis jackets in order to stay safe. The children loved dressing up a builders and engaging in different construction based activities. They used diggers to carry cement, rocks and different building materials. The children also used bricks, lego and tubes to see if they could build tall towers. They also enjoyed using spaghetti and marshmallows to see if they could construct different structures. All three classes were able to experience all three areas and loved having the chance to perform in front of their peers in primary assembly!