Pupils follow a modified curriculum based on the National Curriculum.
We enable pupils to develop their Maths and Literacy skills through direct teaching and real life experiences.
In Key stage 1, we use a phonics scheme called Little Wandle which draws on the latest research into how children learn best; how to ensure learning stays in children’s long term memory and how best to enable children to apply their learning to become highly competent readers.
Our curriculum has a strong focus on Life Skills, such as cooking, shopping and travel with much of our learning done through our Creative Curriculum - thematically based blocks of learning that encourages skills development. Our older pupils follow personalised learning plans and gain accreditations in a range of subjects and interests.
Accredited qualifications are available at Entry Level and Level 1 in Functional Maths, English, ICT and Science.
Entry Pathways Qualification Units can be taken in music, PSHE, drama and food technology. Arts Award Discover & Explore. Youth Award Scheme and Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver. ASDAN Focus, ASDAN Towards Independence. BTEC Level 1 Leadership and Teamwork.
6th Form Accreditation includes ASDAN Life-Skills Challenge, ASDAN Focus and ASDAN Towards Independence.
To find out more about our curriculum you can email or phone us, we would be more than happy to chat with you!
Click the buttons below for the relevant year group curriculum maps.