Meet the Governors

The Governors at Cricket Green School are made up of parents, staff, community and local authority representatives. We have a passionate and dedicated team of people with a variety of skills, experience and knowledge who are fully committed to the culture and ethos of the school.
It’s a fantastic privilege to be a Governor at a school where the children are always kept at the centre of all we do. Each Governor is “adopted’ by a class and Governor visits are welcomed. Below you will find the list of Governors and their respective classes.
For more information about our school Governors please click on the 'Governor Profiles' link below, or alternatively contact our school office where we will be happy to help.
Committee General Terms of Reference
The Governing body has identified the need for a number of committees to address the following areas:
• Teaching and Learning
• Aspirational Opportunities
• Finance and Resources
• Pay Committee
• Disciplinary/Grievance Committee.
In addition to these committees it has been agreed that two working parties will meet on an ad hoc basis calling on appropriate members of the governing body. These working parties will address:
• Policies review
• Response to initiatives.
All of the above committees and working parties will be subject to the following general terms of reference as defined by the Local Authorities “model committee terms of reference” or by the governing body.
General Terms of Reference (Local Authority defined)
1. To make such decisions as are delegated to the committee by the full governing body.
2. To monitor the school’s progress in the relevant Ofsted priority.
3. To report (via minutes) to the full governing body on those areas within their remit.
4. To participate in the strategic leadership of the school.
5. To ensure that strategies to improve the areas of responsibility of the committee or to address
any issues are detailed in the School Improvement Plan.
6. To contribute to the School Improvement Plan.
7. To monitor the relevant areas of the SIP.
8. To contribute to the development of school policies.
9. Members to disclose any declarations of interests at the beginning of each meeting (standard
agenda item to be minuted).
10. To ensure that the committee and its members do not involve themselves in the day to day
management of the school which is the responsibility of the SLT.
11. To abide by the governor protocols concerning conduct and visits to the school.
Cricket Green Governing Body defined
1. The committee will elect a Chair and Vice Chair at the first meeting of each academic year.
2. Draft minutes of any meeting of the committee will be circulated within one week of the meeting
and will be ratified at the next quorate meeting of the committee.
3. The committee shall have such co-opted non-voting members as the governing body shall
appoint. The committee may make recommendations for these appointments.
4. Each committee member will complete an annual written, declaration of interests form stating
any business and/or other interests they or their family or close acquaintances may have with the