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Referral Process
Referral Indicators:
• The pupil should have a diagnosis of ASD from an appropriately qualified professional.
• The pupil’s complex Social Communication Difficulties have been identified by an EP. The school EP (Educational
Psychologist) has recommended referral to MAOS.
Referral Process:
• Permission for involvement from outside agencies must be sought from parents.
• School to liaise their school EP to ascertain suitability for referral.
• If the EP deems appropriate, they will recommend that the school completes a School Referral Form and return it to
• The EP will complete a EP Referral Form and send to MAOS.
• When the completed forms from School and the EP have been received, MAOS will contact the school with a
suggested time and date for the visit.
• The initial visit will consist of a meeting with the Lead Practitioner, Outreach Support Worker, Headteacher, Class
Teacher, SENCO and Teaching Assistant (TA) and a short observation in their setting.
• The Lead Practitioner will make recommendations and the service will support the school in implementing these.

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