School Improvement Plan
School Targets 2022 - 2024
The Quality of Education
Teaching & Learning
Ensure high quality outcomes are in place for learners in the new nursery and reception stage.
Develop the sharing and tracking process of progress made in IEP/EHCP outcomes using Earwig.
Promote continuous improvement in raising core standards of literacy, life skills, employability, and performing arts so that our learners achieve outcomes which enable them to participate positively and actively in adult life.
To continue to ensure that cultural diversity & equality is embedded in all teaching & learning.
Further develop our careers programme to meet all Gatsby Benchmarks and provide young people with careers education, support & advice throughout their whole school journey.
To maintain teaching and learning standards in line with school growth.
Explore, develop and broaden the outdoor curriculum offer so that pupils have increased access to dynamic, real life learning experiences.
Further the learning curriculum for Early Years focussing on giving a breadth of opportunities for a range of play and exploration to awaken learning and widen interests.
Ensure the curriculum reflects current trends with regard to online and social media opportunities alongside raising awareness of safety and develop strategies for reducing risks for pupils/students of all ages.
Re-evaluate, review and refine our 6th form curriculum to provide even greater ‘stretch’ for our most able learners.
Continue developing the wide range of curriculum opportunities appropriate to all learners of all ages to develop core values of honesty, openness and celebration of cultural diversity and differences within school and their wider communities.
Embed Work Based Learning throughout the entire curriculum in order to prepare students for future employment.
Provide continuous training and mentoring for Middle Leaders so that they continue to improve their capacity to effect pupil achievement in all areas of school life.
Establish the use of a greater range of assessment tools to measure pupils’ personal, social development.
Continue to ensure that there is excellent provision and tracking methods for all learners including those who are pupil premium, LAC or have other exceptional needs.
Re-evaluate and review our accreditation offer to ensure students are best positioned to benefit from post-16 opportunities.
Personal Development and Well being
Continue to develop CGS as a safe haven for all, through the pandemic and beyond, where all feel understood, supported and valued.
Establish Mental Health Champions in the school to further understanding and acknowledgement of the importance of a positive attitude towards emotional wellbeing for all members of the school community,
Ensure all staff feel that CGS can and will support them through professional and personal challenges.
Raise the awareness of mental health issues amongst all staff and provide training and support to skill staff to respond confidently to pupils’/students’ emotional, spiritual and physical needs.
Ensure that there is excellent provision through a cohesive approach, put in place for early support through a range of interventions or therapies where needed.
Further develop the introduction of the school therapy dog to support with anxieties, encourage physical and mental well-being and build confidence.
Enable a broader range of pupils to express their ‘pupil voice’ using appropriate forms of media that enable them to express opinions, communicate information or actively contribute to decisions in the development and governance of the school.
Achieve Gold Standard Healthy School’s status, continuing to promote all aspects of personal wellbeing.
Behaviour and Attitudes
Embed a strong focus on the value of good attendance and punctuality, including clear and effective behaviour and attendance policies that all staff/students apply consistently and fairly.
Maintain and further an environment where pupils feel safe, where bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and sexual violence (online and offline) are not accepted and are dealt with quickly, consistently and effectively.
Continue to implement effective behaviour policies and practice in place regarding harmful sexual behaviour.
Continue to ensure that Pupil Voice is central to the ambition, development and growth of the school.
Continue a Rights Respecting Schools ethos, paying service to the UNCRC articles with all children at CGS leading to Silver award standards.
School Environment and Community Links
Implement an assessment nursery facility for the borough.
Implement further opportunities for parent training and support, to further increase opportunities to restore parental engagement in the school and community.
Further develop the outward facing arm of the school by creating local, national and international links and responding to local and national training initiatives.
Continue to work alongside the LA and local employers to develop work opportunities for young people with additional needs.
Promote local involvement and inclusion in creative opportunities within the Green Arts Space.
Professional Development
Continue to expand training opportunities for staff at all levels across the school, cluster and local authority inclusive of SEN packages.
Continue to provide high quality training packages for identified staff to improve their practice, so that all staff are able to demonstrate outstanding teaching and support.
Continue to implement the induction programme for new staff.
Implement the ECF including the development of mentors, facilitators and coaches.
Encourage self-reflective practitioners through the use of technology in lesson observations.
Establish a team approach to curriculum development and implementation, promoting progressive provision at all stages of the curriculum.