Equalities Statement & Objectives
At Cricket Green School we welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations in relation to age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, religion and belief.
We recognise that these duties reflect international Human Rights standards as expressed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Human Rights Act 1998.
The following is our statement of equality: at Cricket Green School everyone has the right to be treated equally regardless of gender, race, culture, belief, sexual orientation or exceptional need.
At CGS all learners and staff are of equal value and worth:
• we recognise and respect differences,
• we foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging
• we observe good practice in relation to equalities during staff recruitment, retention and
We aim that all pupils and staff at CGS understand that they have the right to be treated equally with due regard to their needs. They are actively encouraged to understand that they are accepted for the person that they are and that they are valued as such. We aim for each to experience a feeling of belonging.
• We aim to further equal opportunities for our learners by continuing to prepare students skills for
work, developing employment opportunities through our Project SEARCH venture, where we are
aiming to demonstrate that the skills that our learners can bring to the work force are both
equitable and marketable.
• We aim to further foster good relationships and social understanding and acceptance with pupils
across the age ranges through the use of intervention groups, our Rights Respecting Schools
initiative, mentoring, PSHE curriculum and our Pupil Forum.
• We aim to contribute to the local community of schools by using our skills, knowledge and
expertise to support all learners with special needs and all staff who strive to support these
pupils. Equal opportunities will be promoted through our outreach services, membership and
leadership of Mitcham Town Community Trust and delivered as part of our Teaching School
status programmes such as ITT and courses.
• We aim that all pupils who are experiencing emotional difficulties will be supported by the use of
individual or group input or therapies, follow an individual programme of support and develop
strategies to manage their needs. We will achieve this through our mentoring, therapies and by
support from outside agencies such as CAMHS.