School Uniform
School Uniform
Black, navy or dark grey trousers or skirt
Cricket Green navy sweatshirts or navy sweatshirt or jumper/cardigan (hoodies or clothes with logos are not acceptable school uniform)
White or blue blouse, shirt or polo shirt
Black shoes or black trainers
All uniform items must be labelled
Girls summer uniform is optional, but blue and white check dress are easily accessible from most stores.
The wearing of uniform is expected.
PE Kit
Black or navy shorts or jogging bottoms
White t-shirt
Shoes or trainers
Swimming costume and towel when appropriate
All PE items must be labelled
Pupils are only allowed to wear stud ear rings and a watch (Hoop ear rings, chains and rings are not permitted as they are a health and safety hazard)
To order simply visit click on ‘Find your school’ where you can search Cricket Green School. Once on the school page simply add everything you need to your basket, register if you haven’t already and check out.