Breakfast Club
In these difficult financial times where people are struggling to pay bills, provide clothes and food for their families I just wanted to let you know where you can find extra help should you need it.
Our school breakfast club runs from 8am and costs 50p a day. If your child is on a minibus or comes in a cab we can provide a take-away service so that they can have toast in class.
If you cannot afford 50p per day we may be able to subsidise or pay for breakfast club as a school, please get in touch with me directly on the numbers below.
Family Fund are also, with funding from BBC Children in Need, providing emergency essentials for families. This can include things like clothing, blankets, duvets, heaters, microwaves, slow cookers, curtains rugs etc (maximum item bundle value £300 per household). If you would like to apply please book an appointment with me to complete the application form as this has to be a referral from us as a school.
Wimbledon Guild can also offer a one-off grant for food, gas, electricity, and household appliances. Again, I can help you with the referral form. This grant applies to those on a low income and part of the application form includes a breakdown of your household budget.
CGS is also a referrer for the Wimbledon Foodbank and we can provide a voucher for you to access this service. We are also a referrer for the Wimbledon Don’s Foodbank which again provides food to those families who are struggling to make ends meet at this time.
If you are struggling with paying bills (gas, electric, rent etc) can I urge you to contact your supplier/landlord and talk to them. Many of these companies will have a plan of what you can do or will be able to offer advice on where to go for help.
Please contact me on 0208 640 1177 or on my mobile 07935885948 if I can help in any way.
Yours Sincerely
Jane Vickers
Family Support Worker