Speech & Language Therapy
The Speech and Language therapy team are here to support pupils with their speech, language and communication needs. Our aim is to support all students to access their learning to the best of their ability, communicate with others, make friends and develop their independence in school, at home and in the community.
In our department, we have two Speech and Language therapists, Heidi Vignalou and Verity Woodfield, and one Speech and Language therapy assistant, Molly Talmage. We work in the classroom, in small groups, one to one, and with parents, depending on the needs of the child.
We can support children to develop their early communication skills such as their ability to listen, share attention and initiate interaction, as well as supporting older students to develop the higher level skills needed to access higher education and live independently.
We use a “total communication” approach which supports and encourages all types of communication including Makaton signing, visuals such as PECS and core vocabulary boards, and using iPads to talk.
If you would like to know more about Speech and Language therapy at CGS, please contact the school and arrange to speak to one of our Speech and Language therapists.

Heidi Vignalou
Speech & Language Therapist
Verity Woodfield
Speech & Language Therapist
Molly Talmage
Speech & Language Assistant