Pupil Voice Day
Meet Solly Pombo!
If you are in year 9, year 11 or in the 6th form you will get the chance to
meet with our Careers Advisor Solly Pombo this year.
Solly Pombo is a business person and an expert on Careers.
She has helped Cricket Green in developing our Careers programme
and is now our Independent Careers Advisor.
This means that she comes in twice a year to speak to students about
their hopes and aspirations and offers advice about pathways towards
employment. Solly visits Cricket Green School in the Winter Term to
support our year 11 students whilst they consider whether to go to
college or 6th form, as well as our year 14 students with the decisions that they make.
In the Spring Term, Solly meets with our year 9 students. They should have fun working together to talk about what jobs they would like in future and the skills they might need for those professions. This can give our students some ideas about the careers pathways they might take in Key Stage 4.
Solly writes reports for each student showing their viewpoints and ideas. This helps our young people express their views at Annual EHCP reviews and college interviews.
Solly has met our year 11 and year 14 students last term and is really looking forward to hearing the view and opinions of our year 9 pupils this term!
Welcome to Cricket Green Solly and thanks for helping our students!

Climate Change Protest!
Pupils at CGS joined with protestors from over
150 different countries and took part in a global
climate change protest.
The morning was spent learning about climate
change and making banners and placards, and
a march was held on the school grounds where
pupils made their voices heard!
We think it's important our pupils understand
about climate change and how to look after
our planet... we only have one!