Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Strategy 2022/23
In 2011-12 the Government launched its Pupil Premium funding. This money is sent to schools based on the number of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). Pupils who are counted as Looked After, adopted or who have special guardianship arrangements also receive additional funding.
The allocation of funding is designed to close the attainment gap for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and is to be used to support individuals or groups of pupils to make progress across all areas of the curriculum and enable pupils to engage fully with their education.
At CGS, pupils’ academic abilities, personal, social and well being needs are highly individual. Our strategy for ensuring all pupils, inclusive of those entitled to Pupil Premium additional support is rooted in our school systems for identifying pupil need, aspirations and removing barriers to learning; which is reflected in our School Improvement Plan.
All pupils, irrespective of differing needs & socio- economic disadvantage are assessed and targets are established. Strategies are then put in place and monitored to ensure all pupils attain these outcomes and make their best progress against their starting points.
Central to our strategy and implicit in the targeted areas detailed, is the intention that outcomes for non-disadvantaged pupils will be improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers primarily through a focus on the continuous development of quality first teaching.
Within this, social development, well-being, academic needs and skills for independence & working life remain are highest priorities.
Please click below to view our full pupil premium strategy and how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year.