The school recognises its duty to promote the safety and welfare of all the pupils in the school. The needs of pupils are paramount and the school has a role as advocate for its pupils. Cricket Green School (CGS) aims to make the school a happy and nurturing environment encouraging an understanding of the needs of others, regardless of age, gender, culture, race, religion, sexual identity or exceptional need.
The role of the school is very clear. It is our responsibility to take as many measures as we can to ensure the safety and well-being of our pupils and to protect them from the risks of abuse or mistreatment: all have equal rights to protection.
The Governing Body takes seriously its responsibility under Section 157 of the Education Act 2002 (and in respect of the CLFS, section 87 of the Children Act 2004) to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; to work together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements within the School to identify, assess, and support those children where there are concerns about a child’s safety and welfare.
We recognise that all adults, including Staff and Governors, have a full and active part to play in protecting pupils from harm, and that the child’s welfare is our paramount concern. Wherever the word “Staff” is used, it covers ALL staff on site, including temporary and support staff, and volunteers working with children.
It also includes staff that from time to time may be seconded from other schools.
Our school environment is a caring safe one which nurtures and enables pupils to grow in the knowledge that they are entitled to feel safe and free from harm. The school takes seriously any cases of bullying, verbal or physical. The school has a separate anti bullying policy which outlines procedure and practice. You can view it here.
Anyone who is worried that a child may be at risk should discuss his or her concern with the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Celia Dawson (Headteacher).
The deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Robert Shrimpton (Assistant Headteacher), he deputises for this role in the absence of the Head, in conjunction with the Louis Jhugroo, Deputy Headteacher, who has overall school responsibility at this time.
Local authority key professionals/contacts:
The Team Manager at the Vulnerable Children Team is able to provide advice and consultancy on Child Protection, Safeguarding Issues effecting Children and the team provides Child Protection Training to Schools. The 3 social workers all have named schools they support in Merton.
Contact Number: 0208 288 5658/ 07908 573 941
Email :